Posts in Community + Lodging News
Massanetta Springs’ ministry makes a lasting difference

Massanetta Springs’ ministry makes a lasting difference in people, congregations, and the larger church. It’s a bold claim, and it is demonstrably true. People are transformed here, and those people leave our campus and shape the church. This letter could be turned into a book chronicling stories of God meeting people at Massanetta and calling them into lifelong journeys of faith.

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Treat Mom To A Massanetta Meal!

We sure do miss all of our guests and are looking for new ways to be able to serve them again during this time. So we are offering a special for Mother’s Day!

Treat mom to a Massanetta meal in the comfort of your own home. We are offering contactlass meal pickup on May 10th between 12 -5 pm. Just place your order by May 8th either online or call Rachael Brannock at (540)434-3829.

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Spring Clean-up Day - April 25th

The Friends of Massanetta will be hosting a Spring Clean-up Day on Saturday, April 25th beginning at 9:00 am. There will be lots to do inside and outside for any level of ability. This is a “Rain or Shine”. Bring yourself, your family, your friends, your youth groups, or other church members. Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend to help make Massanetta even more beautiful. Lunch will be provided.

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New 2020-2021 Rates

We are enjoying the last little bits of fall at Massanetta Springs before the winter season sets in. The end of one year is a natural time of preparing for the next. We are a non-profit, so by definition, everything we do is based on serving our mission, rather than turning a profit. There are, however, real world costs to the ministry we undertake. With the costs of goods and services we use going up, our rates need to adjust accordingly.

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Betty Yost Shares Her Massanetta Story

For nearly 100 years, Massanetta Springs has been a place for all people to experience God through renewal, discovery, and hospitality. Our mission is lived out in so many ways, but perhaps it is never better told than through one life at a time. When you give to Massanetta Springs before December 31, 2019, you’re changing lives one at a time. Recently I was able to sit down with a person whose whole life was changed through visits to Massanetta Springs over more than seven decades. It was a joy to visit with Betty Yost, and I hope you’ll enjoy reading a little about her story, as much as I did hearing it in person.

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Road Work causes Detour to Massanetta

Massanetta Springs RD is slated to be closed from the entrance into Spring Oaks at Forest Oaks Lane to almost at the entrance of Massanetta Springs Conference Center. Closure is scheduled to start Feb. 18 and worst case scenario closed through June 30th. However, if weather cooperates the county hopes to be able to open the road back up to single lane traffic by the end of April.
Please plan your commutes accordingly.

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