Massanetta Springs’ ministry makes a lasting difference
Massanetta Springs’ ministry makes a lasting difference in people, congregations, and the larger church. It’s a bold claim, and it is demonstrably true. People are transformed here, and those people leave our campus and shape the church. This letter could be turned into a book chronicling stories of God meeting people at Massanetta and calling them into lifelong journeys of faith.
But rather than a book, I want to share just one story with you. Sarah’s story. It’s a one that is over two decades in the making and still unfolding. Perhaps you see a bit of your own Massanetta story in the paragraphs below. Maybe you’ll get a little clearer view into why your church’s youth group comes back year after year. No matter what strikes you in the paragraphs below, I need for you to remember one thing. Stories like Sarah’s happen because of your generosity. Massanetta Springs’ ministry has always depended upon the support of people just like you. I hope you’ll consider making a first or additional gift to Massanetta Springs after reading Sarah’s story. Read all the way to the end, because you have a special opportunity to make an even bigger difference when you make your donation before the end of 2021.
Rev. Sarah Morgan pictured here with fellow high school Enablers (now called Advocates) at the 2005 Middle School Conference, “Ignited.”
I first stepped on campus at Massanetta in the summer of 2000 to attend the Middle School Conference. It was four days of chaos and joy, learning and growth, and from that point on I was hooked. I knew already, even as a middle schooler, that this was a special place. I could never have dreamed in that moment, though, just how special it would come to be for me or how much it would shape who I would become over the next 20+ years.
Once I aged out of participating in the Middle School Conference, I couldn’t wait until I would have the opportunity to be back in that sacred space. So, in high school I spent two weeks for two summers serving as an Enabler (now Advocate). These were some of the most transformational weeks of my teenage years. During these weeks my faith was nurtured, I discovered gifts for leadership that I never knew I had, and I made friends that remain dear to this day. And the same has continued to be true in the years since, as I have found myself in various leadership roles within the Middle School and SALT Conferences and now on the Board of Trustees.
Each and every time I come back to Massanetta, it feels like coming home. I am surrounded by memories of love, of care, of spiritual growth and transformation, and let’s not forget – chaos and joy too! Every time I come back to Massanetta, I am reminded of the people and experiences that have shaped who I am. I am reminded of the seeds that were planted so long ago that would continue to be nurtured in the years that followed – seeds that created the foundation for a call as an ordained minister in the PCUSA; and I am so, so grateful.
Ministry is serious business! Sarah brought her game face (pictured far right) when she returned as a young adult to be an Enabler Coordinator. She was able to continue her own faith journey while mentoring that year’s class of Advocates.
Massanetta has given me more than I will ever be able to articulate and exponentially more than I will ever be able to give back; but in gratitude for all that Massanetta is and has been for us, and with the hope that it will continue to be a place for all people to experience God through renewal, discovery, and hospitality, my family and I joyfully offer a recurring monthly gift to Massanetta. And, we hope you will consider joining us by setting up a recurring donation. Even a small monthly gift can make a big impact over the course of a year and can ensure that Massanetta continues to be a place where faith is nurtured, friendships are forged, and just the right amount of chaos and joy are experienced by all.
Rev. Sarah Pugh Morgan - former Enabler, conference leader, and current Vice President of the Massanetta Springs Board of Trustees
Sarah’s gratitude for the role Massanetta has played in her life of faith wells up in so many ways. One of them has been by joining a Friends of Massanetta Springs Giving Circle or Society. Enclosed with this letter is information on what the Friends of Massanetta are, and how your generosity can make a difference through that program.
Your generosity before the end of the year ensures stories like Sarah’s continue. Your generosity before the end of the year helps as we navigate toward the far shore of this pandemic. Your generosity before the end of the year shows your tangible support for Massanetta to continue to be a place for all people to experience God through renewal, discovery and hospitality. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter and consider your gift. Your support is so crucial to our success.
In Christ,
Rev. Clayton Rascoe
Executive Director
Remember how I asked you to be sure you read all the way to the end of the letter? I have some exciting news. For Friends of Massanetta who want to directly impact the ministries of Massanetta all year long, a generous giver will contribute an additional $100 for the first forty (40) new Friends of Massanetta who set up a recurring gift of any size by December 31, 2021. That’s an extra $4,000 boost to grow the impact of your support!
The Friends of Massanetta Giving Circles and Societies
Friends of Massanetta make a recurring (or annual) unrestricted gift to Massanetta Springs. Friendship Circles and Societies of different levels have been created to include everyone. All Friends of Massanetta receive:
Two exclusive electronic Friends of Massanetta newsletters each year
Personal invitations to Service and Sabbath Weekends to enjoy the fellowship of other Friends, and care for this place we all love.
To become a Friend of Massanetta, you simply choose to make a recurring gift at one of the levels below.
Friendship Circles
Campfire Circle - $10 - 25/month or $120 - $300/year
Rocking Chair Circle - $26 - $50/month or $301 - $600/year
Springhouse Circle - $51 - $80/month or $601 - 999/year
Friendship Societies
Heritage Society - $85 - $200/month or $1000 - $2499/year
Campbell Society - $210 - $415/month or $2500 - $4999/year
Hudson Society - $416/month or greater or $5,000+/year
To encourage new members of the Friendship Circles and Societies, a generous donor has come forward to pledge $100 for the first forty (40) new members to join before the end of the year! This means when we are successful in this effort, an additional $4,000 will be given to Massanetta Springs ministry! You can join at any of the circle or society levels to help us meet this challenge.
Join a friendship circle or society by donating online and selecting the amount and frequency of your donation. It would also help us if you write “Friendship Circles” in the Additional Comments box on the form.