First Summer of Netta Day Camp a Success!
Here so fast, done so soon.
The first season of Netta Day Camp has come to a close
and it was a great success!
The end of this summer marks an important milestone for Massanetta Springs as we take steps to further our mission as a place for all people to experience God. The creation of Netta Day Camp has been an intentional effort to develop our relationship with those within our Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Community. Providing this program for our local community has been so meaningful for us and we are so excited to share a taste of Day Camp with you!
Our summer consisted of six weeks, during which we had fifty individual campers. Several of these campers returned for a second week and there were a handful with us for five!
We were able to offer a number of classic camp activities like :
Slip n’ Slide
Nature Walks
Challenge Course
We also had fun with arts n’ crafts, energizers, camp songs, s'mores, splashing in the springs, and cannonball contests at the pool. Our special theme activities included flying down the zipline, slipping and sliding on the slip'n'slide, and making music through choir, orff, and bells during the Bible & Church Music Conference.
Each week featured a themed curriculum that introduced a daily Bible story and activity for campers to interact with. We were lifting one another on a tarp to reenact the story of the friends who carried the paralyzed man to Jesus, floating in canoes while imagining Jesus walking on water, and building dams in the springs to illustrate the unending flow of God's love (the water keeps flowing no matter how hard you try to stop it!).
Bible Study
The end of each week was marked by a short family presentation where campers were able to share some highlights from their week, what they learned in bible study, show off their favorite camp song and energizer, and receive their Netta Day Camp t-shirts.
The final activity was always to have our campers leave their mark our new Netta Day Camp stage. This turned into a meaningful and tangible way for us all to close out our time together.
And our campers had a great time! We received these comments from their parents:
"When every day gets labeled 'BEST DAY EVER', you know your kid is having a great time and being well cared for! Thank you so much Netta Day Camp! We can't wait for next year!”
"Netta camp was well run, full of energetic counselors who seemed to enjoy their job. Along with the fun activities, games, crafts and adventure - lunch was always a highlight! We are glad we went and will for sure tell our friends about it!”
"This was my daughter's first ever camp experience and she had a blast! Each day was full of exciting activities and lessons and she was NEVER ready to leave at pick-up. She's already asked when she can go back! Thanks for such a wonderful experience for her!”
Thank you so much for taking a minute to hear about Netta Day Camp. We learned so much this summer and we're already dreaming and planning for next year!
Special thanks goes out to...
The estate of Dr. Lee Morrison for making Netta Day Camp possible
Dr. Doug Smith and Amy Griffin for stepping in as our camp medical resources
Our counselors Collin, Lizzie, Gwendolyn, & Audrey for all their work throughout the summer