Monday, April 18 - Friday, April 22, 2022
Are you ready for a break following Easter? Whether you are an installed teaching elder, commissioned ruling elder, transitional pastor, or other church leader, the season of Lent is a busy one! After we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, come and rest.
Please come and be our guests. You and your family are welcome to join us anytime from April 18-22 at no cost. Arrive on Monday and stay for all four nights, or come for any part of these days.
We provide lodging and a free buffet breakfast on Tuesday morning at 8:30. There are many other dining options available in the Harrisonburg area to enjoy during the rest of your stay.
You deserve a time for restoration and wholeness. Let Massanetta provide a place of renewal and hospitality to you and your family.
This offer includes one hotel-style room with two queen beds and a private bathroom, and breakfast on Tuesday.
To register for this free event, call the office 540-434-3829 or email registrar@massanettasprings.org and provide the following information:
Church, church position
Phone number(s)
Arrival date
Departure date
Names of family members who are joining you