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Middle School Conference



—2019 Dates—

Session 1 – June 20-23 (closed)

Session 2 – June 25-28

Session 3 – July 11-14

Session 4 – July 16–19

Online Registration
Click on the registration tab.

Massanetta’s Middle School Conference transforms the faith journey of hundreds of middle schoolers from all around the country.  Every aspect of this conference is crafted with middle schoolers in mind.  Conference activities like keynote, recreation, encounter groups, and workshops are centered on the theme of the summer.

We promise it will be one of the best things your youth does all year!

This year’s theme is…


This coming summer 2019 we will find ourselves “At the Door” in Matthew 7:7-12 - will you knock? Join us as we ask and seek out what it might mean to be in relationship with God. Our personal faith journeys are full of many types of doors: surprise doors, open doors, closed doors, big doors, small doors, even revolving doors. We will navigate these doors together, discover some of God’s good gifts, and live in loving community at ’Netta.


“Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; KNOCK, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone? Or if the child asks for a fish, will give a snake? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
In everything do to others as you would have them do to you;
for this is the law and the prophets.”

Matthew 7:7-12


Knock, Kock! - Who’s there? -- YOU at Massanetta next summer!

Click HERE for a downloadable version of our Youth Mailer!


Registration is now ONLINE! Click on our registration tab for more info.



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Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; KNOCK, and the door will be opened for you.
— Matthew 7:7

Middle School Conference 2019 Prices

Standard Lodging: $375 per person / $410 after April 15, 2019

Cabins: $320 per person / $355 after April 15, 2019

Registration for the 2019 Middle School Conference is here!

Please follow the instructions below CAREFULLY as we have a new registration process.

We are at max capacity for Session 1, June 20-23, 2019, and will not be taking any more registrations.

Online Registration

Step 1: Your church/group leader must call the registrar 540-434-3829 or fill out this form with general group information and estimated numbers to reserve a spot for your group. We will then generate a “group hold code” and send it to your leader.

Step 2: Your church/group leader and all adult participants and parents should read this information packet in FULL. It contains critical information about the conference and registration, and includes copies of a couple other forms we will need from you (media release & covenant form — plus the housing preference form that leaders will need to fill out and the 2019 scholarship form if there is financial need).

Step 3: Once your church/group leader has the “group hold code,” they will distribute it to your group. Parents/guardians will be able to register their youth (completed 5th - 8th) and adult advisors will be able to register themselves using that “group hold code.” They will not pay individually online. The church/group leader will pay for everyone registered at once through the separate leader account. (Note that forms from the info packet will also be available through online registration for download and upload on your ‘dashboard’)

When you have the code…

Step 4: For church/group leaders only. Leaders will be able to log into their separate account to view who has registered and the remaining bill for the group. This is where the full group payment will be made.

Offline Registration

Doing stuff online isn’t your thing? No worries, we have kept the “old way” of registering for Middle School Conference available. Everything you will need as church/group leader and participant is available in this packet:

Enabler Program

Building Leaders who Love God, the Church, and the World


Each year Massanetta Springs invites 44 ministry-minded high school youth to serve and lead within the Middle School Conferences. This dynamic leadership program provides a place where youth can lead alongside adults who serve as mentors, facilitators, encourages, older siblings, and faith friends.


Heralded as one of the strongest and most significant leadership tracks in the Church today, the Massanetta Springs Enabler Program changes the lives of younger youth who attend, empowers the faith of the older youth who serve, and creates for the Church a powerful witness to the work and witness of young people in the 21st century.

The Enablers are woven into the flow of every aspect of the conferences, unpacking the scripture in keynotes, organizing large group recreation activities, leading in worship, and building the conference community as they ARE the small group leaders.

The Enabler Program is entering its 26th  year! It is with joy and thanksgiving that we acknowledge the hundreds of young adults who have been impacted by this program. Many continue in full time Christian ministry and a majority continue to worship, serve, and fellowship in faith communities around the nation. 

Applications will be posted on Oct 15, 2018 and will be due by January 14, 2019.

** Applications are GOOGLE DOCS. To edit, please save a copy of the google doc or download as a Microsoft word document. **

June Leadership

June 20-23 and June 25-28


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Chelsey McElwee

My name is Chelsey McElwee and I’m a middle school teacher in Chapel Hill NC. I love my cats, basketball and a good Netflix binge. I’ve been a part of Massanetta for the past few years and love the energy that everyone brings to the conference!

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Dom DeLizza

Dom DeLizza has been coming to Massanetta since he was a middler for the “Ignited!” conference in 2005. He works in Human Resources and currently resides in Raleigh, NC (Go Pack!). In his spare time you might find him at a local food truck rodeo, playing guitar, or making new friends with doggos. Ask him what his favorite Massanetta dessert is!



Linda Kurtz

Linda Kurtz is in her last year of seminary at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. This means that by the time we're together at Massanetta, she'll hopefully have a new city to live in after graduating and finding a call in the PCUSA! When Linda's not reading or writing, she enjoys being outside, playing with dogs, and taking photos of anything but people. Linda was last at Massanetta as a middler herself (don't ask how long ago that was!) and is so thrilled to be coming back at this point in her faith journey.


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Sarah Hoyle

Sarah Hoyle has been loving Massanetta Springs since she was a Middler herself, and is super ENERGIZED to be leading Recreation! Sarah has served as a Recreation Assistant, Enabler Coordinator, and can't wait to come back for more laughter and fun this June. She currently lives in Washington, D.C. where she attends Church of the Pilgrims. You can find her biking through the hills of Virginia when she isn't working at her job in federal consulting!



Steven Hall

Steven Hall has 11 Middle School Conferences under his belt, as a middler, enabler and adult leader, and lives in Durham, North Carolina. Steven studied Vocal Performance at the UNC School of the Arts in Winston-Salem, and has toured his music through 33 states and several countries. Currently, he is the Director of Contemporary Arts at Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church in Raleigh, and he records and performs under the name Bear Stevens.


July Leadership

July 11-14 and July 16-19



Mary Boyd

Mary is excited to be back at Massanetta again! She serves as Education Coordinator at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, TN, and is also Moderator of the Presbytery of East Tennessee. She holds a Certificate in Ministry from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and is a Lay Pastor.

Genevieve Brooks

Genevieve is the Director of Middle School Ministry at White Memorial Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. She oversees middle school programs, classes and trips; coordinates adult leaders who are called to work with sixth, seventh, and eighth graders; and, perhaps most importantly, provides support and care for middle school students. Genevieve most recently, served as Associate Youth Director at Edenton Street United Methodist Church in Raleigh after working as the full-time Summer and Adventure Camp Coordinator at Camp Don Lee.



Mark Curtis

Mark Curtis is the pastor of Lake Forest Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, TN. A California native, Mark has called Tennessee home for nearly 16 years and is still trying to get used to the color orange. Before becoming the pastor of Lake Forest in 2014, he spent over 20 years in Youth Ministry. Mark loves talking baseball, playing guitar, and spending time with his wife, Diana, and two boys, Daniel and Asher.



Caroline Janes

Caroline currently lives in Concord, NC with her husband and their two crazy dogs. Most of the time you can find her working as a nurse in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Caroline first experienced Massanetta Springs as a middle schooler at the middle school conference, this experience then led her to serve as an enabler for three years. Recreation has become Caroline’s pride and joy and she is proud to be serving as Rec Director for the third time at Massanetta Middle School Conference.



Jason Graffis

Jason currently lives in Charlotte, NC with his wife Cayla, where he serves as Director of Contemporary Music and Arts at Covenant Presbyterian. Prior to that he served as Youth Ministries Coordinator and First Light worship leader at New Providence Presbyterian in Maryville, TN. He's been leading music for the last 17 years in a variety of environments including summer camps, youth retreats, and Sunday services, basically anybody that will have him. His first experience at Massanetta was leading music for the SALT conference in 2016 and he's excited to get a bigger dose this time around!

2019 MSC Resources


2018 MSC Resources


Missing those songs we sang?
Wish you had notes from those keynotes?
We got you!

Check out these resources from the 2018 Middle School Conference, "Y'all Are Mine."


List of Songs & Theme Song Chords

Keynotes Outline

Video Clips and Slides Outline


List of Songs & Theme Song Chords

Keynote #1

Keynote #2

Keynote #3

Keynote #4

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Earlier Event: February 15
Ringing at the Springs
Later Event: July 21
Church Music Conference