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Keep Awake! 2025


November 21-23, 2025
registration opens early june 2025

Mark your calendar for this pay-what-you’re-able retreat
for high school students and their leaders,
centered on worship, leadership development, and small group discussion
in line with PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 vision.


On or about Monday 6/2/25: registration opens
Monday 10/6/25: group holds expire, extra spots made available to wait list
Monday 11/10/25: final day to register

Questions? Contact Colleen Earp, Program Director:


Our Centennial Celebration at Massanetta Springs in 2022 gave us an opportunity to both reflect on the past 100 years, and to plan to step boldly into our next century of ministry. One of the tangible steps into that future was to be an event themed around the PCUSA’s Matthew 25 vision.

This new conference, called Keep Awake!, focuses on the tenets of PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 initiative: dismantling structural racism, eradicating systemic poverty, and building congregational vitality. The name, which comes from Matthew 25:13, was chosen by the planning team to emphasize the urgency of this work. We plan to offer this event annually.

Keep Awake! is a retreat for high school student students and their leaders. It emphasizes leadership development. The goal is for this program to include young adult leadership, similar to Middle School Conference’s model of high school students guiding and supporting middle school participants. In the coming years, we will be able to raise students up through the program, first attending as participants and then coming back after high school to offer leadership and mentorship.

The planning team that brought these ideas to life included Ekama Eni (The General Theological Seminary, New York City); Hiram Perez-Cordero (Ruling Elder, Atlanta, GA); Rev. Jimmie Hawkins (Office of Public Witness, Washington, DC); Rev. John Molina-Moore (National Capital Presbytery, Washington, DC); Laura Haney (Camp Hanover, Mechanicsville, VA); Rev. Loli Reiter (The Presbyterian Church of Seffner, FL), supported by our Program Director, Colleen Earp.


To be announced!

What to Expect

Staying at Massanetta

Participants will stay in Richardson. Linens are provided. Richardson Suites have two bedrooms with 2-3 twin beds each and a shared bathroom. Adults and youth stay in separate suites.

Massanetta Springs is a hilly site with older buildings. If you need accessibility support, please contact the Program Director to discuss how to make this as comfortable a stay as possible!

What to pack

Dress code: pack comfortable clothing that will allow you to participate fully in a fun and meaningful conference! Please DO NOT bring clothes that run the risk of “wardrobe malfunction” or exposing any underwear. Make respectful choices about logos and symbols on clothing. Conference leadership as well as your own church leaders reserve the right to send participants back to their rooms to change if their clothing will prevent them from actively participating in the conference.

Please bring:



Water bottle


Alarm clock/watch

Prescription medications

Sturdy, comfortable shoes

Clothing appropriate for the weather!

Please do not bring:

skateboards, scooters, rollerblades; alcohol, tobacco, or drugs; weapons of any kind; anything flammable or explosive; unnecessary technology or valuables.

Conference Schedule

The schedule may change depending on registration numbers and other planning factors, but here is a general idea:

FRIDAY: no meals served

6:00-8:00 check in, settle into rooms, explore site

8:00-8:30 orientation

8:30-9:00 worship: opening

9:00-9:45 get to know your small group

9:45-10:30 back home group time (we'll prepare a debriefing guide, or you can use this time however works best for your group)

10:30-11:00 get ready for bed, lights out


8:00-8:45 breakfast

9:00-9:30 worship: message

9:45-10:45 workshop block

11:00-12:00 workshop block

12:30-1:15 lunch

1:15-3:15 rest/free time (some activities available)

3:30-4:15 small group discussion time

4:30-5:30 workshop block

6:00-6:45 dinner

7:00-8:00 workshop

8:00-8:30 break, snacks

8:30-9:15 worship: communion

9:45-10:30 back home group time


8:30-9:15 breakfast

9:15-10:15 pack up, clean up, check out

10:15-11:00 worship: sending



Thanks to generous support through Synod and Presbytery grants and the Great Community Give, we’re offering this program as a pay- what- you’re- able.

The cost of Keep Awake! is $215 per person, and we hope families, congregations, and presbyteries will support participants as they can. However, the group registration will be separate from the payment, and we invite groups to contribute whatever amount feels appropriate given your context. Whether that contribution is $1 or $215 or more, all programs, lodging, and meals are included. When we say pay-what-you’re-able, we mean it!

For questions about the program, contact Colleen Earp, Program Director, at

For questions about registration, contact Sarah Grace Hall, Program Assistant, at

important dates

On or about Monday 6/2/25: registration opens
Monday 10/6/25: group holds expire, extra spots made available to wait list
Monday 11/10/25: final day to register

to register your group

These instructions are for the group leader.

Step 1: Fill out the form below with general group information and estimated numbers to reserve spaces for your group. Please note: you must bring 1 adult for every 7 youth. We will then generate a “group hold code” and send it to your leader. If you have questions, Sarah Grace Hall is serving as conference registrar. She can be reached at or 540-434-3829.

The Group Hold Request form will be available the first day of registration 6/2/2025.

Step 2: Once you receive the “group hold code,” share it with your group and send them to the “Participant Account” link below. Parents/guardians will be able to register their youth and adult advisors will be able to register themselves using that “group hold code.”

Step 3: As a leader, you will be able to log into a separate account to view who has registered and completed all forms. The “Leader Account” link is below. To register yourself, use the the SAME username and password at the participant link above.

Step 4. Pay- what- you’re- able! Send or bring a check for your entire group, or make a credit card payment by phone, through our DONATE button on the top right of the page, or on site when you arrive. Please include “Keep Awake!” in the memo somewhere— this information will only be used to help us plan for the future of pay- what- you’re- able events.

Earlier Event: July 28
Called Together