July 31-August 3, 2023
Check in 1-2:30 PM on Monday
Program ends with worship and lunch on Thursday
Grow stronger in marriage and ministry.
Called Together is a four day retreat for couples in any stage of professional ministry. The event focuses on these tenets:
Relationships: Strengthen your partnership as a couple; develop friendships with other couples who get the unique challenges and blessings of being called together.
Renewal: Enjoy the gift of letting others plan opportunities for your spiritual renewal. Take time for Sabbath in a beautiful corner of God’s creation.
Resources: Participate in continuing education. Leave better equipped for ministry by gaining tools from our leaders as well as the community of ministry couples.
Bring Your Family!
During retreat activities for adults, children of all ages will enjoy a program designed especially for them. Enjoy opportunities for recreation and renewal as a family, as well as time to be among other adults while the kids participate in their own activities.
Email Colleen Earp at colleen@massanettasprings.org
Housing Update:
Hubler Lodge and all Richardson queen suites are reserved. We have some twin bed suites available, but very limited space in the children’s program. If you’re interested in attending but haven’t registered yet, please contact Colleen Earp, Program Director, to discuss possible arrangements: colleen@massanettasprings.org.
Chaplain Couple
Rev. Dr. Maria Erling and Rev. John Spanlger, ELCA
John Spangler has served as a Lutheran pastor, a communication specialist, as a theological seminary administrator and as a strategic interim pastor in a career spanning 40 years. Most recently he began a series of strategic interim ministries. Prior to coming to Gettysburg with his wife, Maria Erling, a member of the now ULS seminary faculty, John served Lutheran congregations as pastor to Christ the King Lutheran Church in Nashua, NH, and Christ, West Boylston, MA. He also served as the New England Synod Communication Officer for a decade and a half. He is a graduate of Yale University Divinity School and Carthage College, Kenosha, WI. He and Maria have two adult daughters, Marta and Johanna.
Maria Erling and John Spangler will guide conversations about pilgrimmage and rewilding of ministry, family, and marriage using a variety of examples from nature and history, including a local fieldtrip.
Morning devotions will be led by Planning Team families, Jess and Jason Felici and Erin and Brian Evans.
Additional workshops will give space for Revised Common Lectionary and sermon prep discussions, as well as fundraising, stewardship, and other important ministry and leadership topics.
date night
David, our foodservice manager, loves to prepare special meals for events like Called Together! Some couples may choose to go out in Harrisonburg, where there are many options. Here’s his planned menu for the 2023 retreat, unless he thinks of something better!: Rib eye steak, crab cakes, scallops, spinach potato bake, mixed vegetables, rolls, salad bar, chocolate cake, and crème brulee cheesecake. Beer and wine as well as a variety of non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.
Children and youth will enjoy pizza and a movie night under the supervision of our Netta Day Camp Staff.
Suggested packing list
For adults:
comfortable clothes for each day, including socks and undergarments
clothes for recreation (such as canoeing, zip line)
clothes for date night
bathing suit and towel
toiletries (include sunscreen and bugspray)
charger for cell phone, baby monitor, etc
free time materials (books, knitting, etc)
favorite snacks, board games to share during evening fellowship
personal snacks
adult beverages, if desired
communal fridge available
For children:
clothes for recreation, including socks and undies
closed-toe shoes
bathing suit and towel
small backpack or bag with child’s name on it, to bring to children’s programs
sleeping arrangements (play pen, bed rails, etc)
sleep stuff (stuffies, nightlight, pjs)
sippy cups/bottles as needed
diapers/wipes as needed
sunscreen, bugspray, medications
games or snacks to share during evening fellowship
snacks are provided during children’s program
2022 schedule
2023 will be similar, and should be available by mid-July! This year’s program includes an option field trip for adults, looking deeper into some of the themes our Leadership Couple will present. Evening events will include campfire s’mores and date night, as well as plenty of time to hang out with other couples who understand what it’s like to be a clergy couple.
Monday, August 1, 2022
1:00-2:30 check in
2:30-3:15 welcome, introductions (Rosser or back lawn)
3:15-3:45 children’s program orientation and drop off (parents & children) (Knox)
3:45-5:00 Session 1: Called to be Peers (Stewart)
5:00-6:00 break, pick up children
6:00-7:00 dinner
7:15-8:30 Session 2: Called to be Caregivers (Stewart)
7:00-8:30 caregivers available in Greenwood, children’s program in Knox
8:30-? Social time
Tuesday, August 2
7:45-8:45 breakfast
9:00 drop off kids
9:15-9:30 morning devotion
9:45-noon Continuing Education: Tools for Marriage Maintenance
12:15 pick up kids
12:30-1:30 lunch
1:30-4:30 free time (to include Harvey availability?)
4:00-5:30 family slip and slide
6:00-7:00 dinner
7:00-8:30 caregivers available in Greenwood, children’s program in Knox
7:15-8:30 Session 3: Called to be Partners
8:30 Social time
Wednesday, August 3
7:45-8:45 breakfast
9:00 drop off the kids
9:15-9:30 morning devotion
9:45-noon Continuing Education: Tools for Marriage Repair
12:15 pick up kids
12:30-1:30 lunch
1:30-4:30 free time
2:30-4:30 pool
3:30-5:30 family photos
5:30 group photo, child dropoff, date night!
9:00 child pickup
Thursday, August 4
7:45-8:45 breakfast
8:00-9:30 check out of rooms
8:30 drop off kids
10:00-11:15 Session 4: Called to be… Servant Leaders?!
11:15 pick up kids
11:30 closing worship with communion
12:30-1:30 stay for lunch or pack it to go
2:00 check out
Housing Update:
Hubler Lodge and all Richardson queen suites are reserved. We have some twin bed suites available, but very limited space in the children’s program. If you’re interested in attending but haven’t registered yet, please contact Colleen Earp, Program Director, to discuss possible arrangements: colleen@massanettasprings.org.
2023 Prices
$725 per couple
$69 per child 5 & under
$95 per child 6 & older
$199 maximum for children’s program per family
Registration includes lodging, meals, and programs. For questions about housing, scholarships, or program, contact Colleen Earp, Program Director: colleen@massanettasprings.org.
The Called Together Children’s Program offers childcare and programing for children of all ages during scheduled events for clergy couples. As parents are forming a community with other clergy couples, our staff provide an opportunity for clergy kids to connect with other ministry families. This program includes age-appropriate activities and supervision, with typical camp activities like swimming, arts and crafts, exploring nature, devotions, and rest time.
Infants and toddlers will be watched close by the adults’ meeting space, and school-aged children will participate in our Netta Day Camp program during the day.
Helpful Things To Know
All Massanetta caregivers have gone through a national criminal background check. They have also completed Massanetta’s required Child Protection Training.
Since they will be in our care during retreat activities, we need parents to fill out a health form on each child. We cannot take children into the program without completed forms. Children's Health Form
Parents will be responsible for administering regular medications. Massanetta staff will be happy to keep any emergency medication your child may need during childcare times. (epipens, rescue inhalers, etc.)
All children will need a bag with a spare change of clothes, swim suit, sunscreen, and water bottle (see suggested packing list for more details).
Snacks will be provided at appropriate times as part of their children’s program registration fee.
If your child is in diapers, please provide your child’s caregiver with appropriate diapers, wipes, etc. (Swim diapers required at the pool.)
Children will be grouped by age. Groups are determined approximately two weeks before the event, once we know who’s coming!
Unless overflow is needed, all participant families will be housed in the same location in Hubler Lodge. This will also be the location where evening social time happens. Families with younger children might find it helpful to bring a baby monitor. (Hubler Lodge also has WiFi, so using phones, tablets, etc. should also work.)
Massanetta has a limited number of pack and play cribs. If you need one provided for you, please let us know as soon as you can. (If you are able to bring yours easily, that would help us.)