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Called Together


Grow Stronger In Marriage And Ministry. 

Called Together is a four day retreat focusing on relationshipsrenewal, and resources for couples who are both in professional ministry.

Strengthen your relationship as a couple/family; develop relationships with other couples who get the unique challenges and blessings of being called together.          

  • Renewal – Enjoy the gift of letting others plan opportunities for your spiritual renewal.  Take time for Sabbath in a beautiful corner of God’s creation.

  • Resources – Leave better equipped for ministry by gaining tools from our leaders and the community of ministry couples.

Bring Your Family!

During retreat activities for adults, children of all ages will enjoy a program designed especially for them.  Enjoy opportunities for recreation and renewal as a family.




Chaplain Couple

Sally and Clarke Campbell-Evans

For thirty years, Sally and Clarke have ‘danced’ in two denominations – the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the United Methodist Church. 

 Early in our married life, we decided that we would always attempt to worship in the same place.  That hasn’t always been possible but we enjoyed having a common spiritual home for our family.  We have respected each other’s calls to ministry, and tried to live those out in different settings.  That required flexibility.  We always tried to live by the biblical injunction to not go to bed angry.  So, we didn’t.  We stayed up and fought!  Like we said, it has not always been easy.  The most challenging moments have been the result of trying to find the right balance for our life and work.  Through it all, we have found joy in the partnership that has nourished and sustained us through the good times and the not-so-good times. 

Sally, who is currently the Congregational Care Pastor at Hyde Park United Methodist Church in Tampa, FL, attended Presbyterian College, Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, VA and the Florida Center for Theological Studies (which has now joined with Barry University in Miami).  She served short-term in Zaire and South Africa, and later as a mission volunteer in Nicaragua.  She was the Program Associate at Stony Point Conference Center in New York before moving to Miami, just before Hurricane Andrew made its arrival. In the days to follow, she became the director for the Presbytery of Tropical Florida’s Hurricane Relief. Four years later, she became the Site Coordinator for the Young Adult Volunteer Program for the PC(USA) in Miami.  For the past 15 years, she has been engaged in parish ministry primarily in the area of Congregational Care and loves it. 

Clarke, who is now the Director of Missional Engagement for the Florida Annual Conference of the UMC, participated in a 3-year mission program working overseas in the Dominican Republic for 1.5 years and finishing his commitment in El Paso, Texas before attending seminary. In both places, he served as a community organizer.  He attended Union Theological Seminary in New York.  He has pastored congregations of all sizes, most notably serving as a pastor of a multi-ethnic congregation in Miami with people who were born in 32 different countries.  He also worked for the United Methodist Mission Agency, served as the District Superintendent for the Miami District and now as the director of Missional Engagement for the Florida Annual Conference. 

In the midst of this, Sally and Clarke have raised three amazing children – Abby, Zach and Ben – who are now all in their twenties.   


Resource Leader

Dr. Richard Voelz

Richard is an Assistant Professor of Preaching and Worship at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA. Formerly, he served as Senior Minister of the Johns Creek Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He has over a decade of ministry experience in various contexts. A graduate of Vanderbilt University’s Graduate Department of Religion with the PhD in Homiletics and Liturgics, Dr. Voelz brings expertise and scholarly interest in contextual homiletics, contemporary homiletic theory, preaching and youth, pastoral identity, preaching in the Stone-Campbell Movement, and contemporary liturgical theology.

Dr. Voelz will be enriching the Called Together Conference by leading us in a study of some of the texts for Advent 2019. This will give us time to dive into scripture with each other, and also study some of the texts that congregational preachers will be using later in the year.


Registration Information

We have done our best to keep retreat costs reasonable, while giving you the absolute best experience possible.  Nine meals, lodging in our hotel-style Hubler Lodge (two queen beds and private baths in each room), and all retreat activities are included in the per couple or child price.     

Registration Dates

Before 4/22/19 $575 per couple* 

After 4/22/19 $595 per couple* 

After 6/10/19 add $50 per couple* 

Children’s Program 

$45 Children 5 and under

$75 Children 6 and over

Maximum $150 per family in children’s program costs

There are no early discounts or late penalties for the children's program.

Children's Health Form


*Please send your registration form to Nola Avey at

*It is Massanetta’s desire for our retreat experiences to be affordable for everyone in need of them.  If funding is the only thing keeping you from attending, please be in touch with Hannah Altman, our  Acting Program Director at to work out a plan to enable you to come.


Children's Program

One of the ways we are making Called Together welcoming to families is by providing childcare for all planned activities during Called Together. As you are forming a community with other couples, we hope the children will be doing the same among their peers. 


One of the ways we are making Called Together welcoming to families is by providing childcare for all planned activities during Called Together.   As you are forming a community with other couples, we hope the children will be doing the same among their peers. 


Helpful Things To Know

  • All Massanetta caregivers have gone through a national criminal background check. They have also completed Massanetta’s required Child Protection Training.

  • Since they will be in our care during retreat activities, we need parents to fill out a health form on each child. We cannot take children into the program without completed forms. Children's Health Form


  • Parents will be responsible for administering regular medications. Massanetta staff will be happy to keep any emergency medication your child may need during childcare times. (Epipens, Rescue Inhalers, etc.)

  • All children will need a bag with a spare change of clothes, swim suit, sunscreen, and water bottle.

  • Snacks will be provided at appropriate times as part of their children’s program registration fee.

  • If your child is in diapers, please provide your child’s caregiver with appropriate diapers, wipes, etc. (Swim diapers required at the pool.)

  • Children will be grouped by age approximately 2 weeks prior to the event once we know how many children are coming and their ages.

  • As of 5/31/2017, all participant families will be housed in the same location. This will also be the location where evening social time, etc. occurs. Bringing baby monitors may be helpful for you. (Hubler Lodge also has WiFi, so using phones, tables, etc. should also work.)

  • Massanetta has a limited number of pack and play cribs. If you need one provided for you, please let us know as soon as you can. (If you are able to bring yours easily, that would help us.)


Tentative Schedule

Tentative Schedule

There may be slight adjustments, but this will be pretty close to the actual schedule.

August 5th

1:00 – 2:00 – Arrival/Check In
2:30 – Welcome, Introductions, Etc. 
3:15 -Break/Childcare Orientation   (For all other childcare times see childcare schedule) 
3:45 – Gather with Chaplain Couple (Session #1) 
5:15 – Break until Dinner
6:00 – Dinner Dining Hall
7:15 – Dedicated time to get ready for first session with Resource Leader
8:15 (perhaps sooner) – Evening Devotions
8:30 – Social Time 

Children’s Program or Childcare Available –  Times listed are drop off and pick up.
3:15 -3:35- Childcare Orientation and First Drop Off


August 6th

8:00 – Breakfast
9:15 – Morning Devotion
9:45 – Session 1 with Resource Leader
12:30 – Lunch Dining Hall / Free Time
4:00 – Workshop
5:45 – Dinner Dining Hall
6:30 – Gather with Chaplain Couple (Session #2) 
8:00 – Social Time

Children’s Program or Childcare Available


August 7th

8:00 – Breakfast Dining Hall
9:15 – Morning Devotion TBD
9:30 – Session 2 with Resource Leader
11:00 – Gather with Chaplain Couple (Session #3)
12:30 – Lunch Dining Hall
5:00 – Optional Family Photos
5:30 – Group Photo, Child Drop Off, and Date Night Begins! 

Children’s Program or Childcare Available
9:00am-12:30 pm
1:30-3:15 pm
5:30-8:30 pm


August 8th
8:00 – Breakfast Dining Hall
9:15 – Gather with Chaplain Couple (Session #4)
11:30 – Closing Worship/Communion
12:30 – Lunch / Depart Dining Hall

Children’s Program or Childcare Available
Drop-off at 9am; Children will be brought to closing worship.

Earlier Event: July 21
Camp Connections
Later Event: November 8
S.A.L.T - Serving and Learning Together