Netta Day Camp @

Middle School Conference

Available for Past Day Campers who have

completed 6th, 7th, or 8th grade

Join us for Massanetta's Middle School Conference, July 14-18. Our NDC counselors will accompany campers through keynotes, recreation, workshops, and worship designed by the Advocates (high school leaders) with them in mind. Encounter Groups provide an opportunity to reflect and learn alongside youth from other places, led by Advocates. Middle School Conference is a transformational program that welcomes hundreds of middlers and their leaders from all over the country each summer.

This five day, four night program is $559, including all programs and a t-shirt.

Sign up before 4/7 to receive a $40 early bird discount.

$50 deposit due at time of registration.

To register, simply select MSC NDC Bridge in Campwise.

Group size is limited.


  • Schedule: Overnight program, Monday morning-Friday Afternoon, July 14-18

  • Cost: $559

  • Includes overnight Massanetta Springs Housing and meals during the program

    Questions? Reach out!

    Email Our program director, Colleen Earp

    or call 540-434-3829