Pause for Programs and Partners Fundraiser - April 16th!
Since 2018, we have participated in the Harrisonburg/Rockingham Great Community Give. We are thrilled to announce for the 2025 Great Community Give, we are pausing to raise funds for three critical programs and partnerships.
1 - We will raise $5,000 to purchase new free play structures for Netta Day Camp.
2 - We will replenish our Pay What You Can Fund for our Keep Awake Conference which allows high schoolers to come to a Massanetta retreat in November no matter what their financial situation.
3 - We are going to raise $10,000 for our partnership with Church World Service's Refugee Resettlement Program. Our fund for supporting refugees coming to the Shenandoah Valley through CWS is getting low. While we realize fewer refugees are coming into the country right now, we want to be ready to support CWS at any point this work continues. $5,000 of the dollars raised for this partnership will go directly to CWS in April of this year, the rest will go into our Temporary Housing Fund to support our ongoing commitment to CWS.
And there's more good news. The Sarah Lobban Estate gift is providing $25,000 in matching funds for this year's Great Community Give! This means we will actually raise $10,000 for Netta Day Camp, $20,000 for Keep Awake, and $20,000 for our partnership with CWS ($5,000 for CWS and $15,000 for our Temporary Housing Fund).
Every gift of every size matters. Your gift matters! Thank you for joining the Massanetta community in generosity through the Pause For Partners and Programs Fundraiser.