A Massanetta Story: Sacred Grounds

Catrelia Hunter, 2006-2009 Churchwide Presbyterian Women Moderator, grew up in Cleveland, North Carolina, a small town in Rowan County.   

“It was my mother who first introduced our family to Massanetta Springs.”  In 1975, Catrelia’s mother, who was on crutches at the time, drove from the home place in North Carolina to Massanetta Springs to attend Synod School for a week.  She returned home and told Catrelia about the wonderful things she had experienced while being at Massanetta and encouraged her to attend.

In 1985, Catrelia took her first trip to Massanetta Springs with her husband, George.  She was serving on the Planning Team for the Synod School, and the two of them worked as part of the staff.  Both were “filled with joy from the experiences” they received while at Massanetta.  “Massanetta became more endearing to me as a result of that trip,” she said.  

In more recent years, Catrelia has made her Massanetta pilgrimage as part of the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic Presbyterian Women Summer Gatherings,  where she has been an attendee, workshop presenter, and plenary speaker. 

“Massanetta Springs is a great place for PW to meet because it provides us the opportunity to be together for an extended period of time.  We are able to all be together and build relationships across the presbyteries of the synod and beyond,” remarked Catrelia. “Even our national leadership is able to gather with us, we learn from them, and they learn from us. This time helps us to make the organization stronger by helping PW be more relevant now and into the future.”

 “Massanetta is also a wonderful place for spiritual enrichment and nourishment, as well as family fellowship.  It can also be a place of solitude if that’s what you need.  It’s a beautiful place for worship.  It enriches the body, mind, and spirit.  Even the sharing of meals is special.  There are quite a few women that I either would not have known or I wouldn’t have had the chance to know well if it weren’t for our time together at Massanetta.” 

“Those sacred grounds have nourished my spirit and uplifted my soul as I’ve spent time in community with old friends and made many new friends there.  Massanetta has certainly held a special place in my heart for many years!  It’s a place for everyone.”

Because of the generosity of so many Presbyterian Women strengthen their organization, build friendships across decades and leave renewed and enriched from these sacred grounds.  Thank you.

Sarah Grace Hall